Silver water for travelers

Silver Water to Improve Health with Aquator

Illness on a journey is not the most pleasant event. However, no one is immune from this: neither a beginner nor an experienced traveler. Viruses and bacteria do not sleep. And if compliance with the water regime plays an important role in a person’s daily life, then during illness it is especially important. Interesting facts:

  • to protect passengers from infections, silver water is used by most airlines in the world;
  • only silver drinking water is consumed on the International Space Station.

Silver water is water that is saturated with dissolved silver ions. It has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Water does not contain any harmful impurities: dyes, preservatives, oxidants. Water with silver ions is a natural antibiotic. Silver ions, penetrating into the body, quickly and easily penetrate into the membranes of bacteria and stop their vital activity.

Silver is a trace element that is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, endocrine glands, bone tissue and liver. At a concentration of 0.05-0.1mg/l, it:

  • it has a rejuvenating effect on the blood, has a positive effect on the course of physiological processes;
  • it has powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties,
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood composition, prevents the deposition of salts in joints and vessel walls.

Silver water is an enemy not only for bacteria, but also for viruses that are unable to adapt (adjust) to protect against ions, as in the case of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Bacteria and viruses are dying. There is a great advantage of silver compared to synthetic antibiotics. At the same time, the spectrum of action of colloidal silver (silver water) extends to 650 species of bacteria (for comparison: the spectrum of action of any antibiotic is 510 species of bacteria) and it does not have a detrimental effect on beneficial microorganisms and intestinal microflora. The favorable microflora of internal organs remains unchanged. Therefore, a person who uses it is not in danger of dysbiosis.

In other words, silver water will help to avoid the situation “when we treat one thing, we cripple the other.” However, it should be used in moderate amounts and in the right concentration.

  1. Weak silver drinking water with a concentration of less than 0.02 – 2.0 mg / l is consumed orally 15-30 minutes before meals.

It is used for prevention. It can be drunk by adults and children in any amount. It improves overall well-being, strengthens the immune system.

  • The average silver drinking water with a concentration of 2.0 – 5.0 mg / l is consumed orally 15-30 minutes before meals.

It is used for the treatment of internal diseases (gastric ulcer, cystitis, urethritis, bronchial asthma, etc.)

  • Silver water with a high concentration (more than 20 mg/l).

It is used only externally: in the form of lotions, inhalations, rinsing, irrigation.

It is used to treat sore throats, to rinse the throat and mouth. Lotions and enemas are made with it. Silver water with high concentration:

  • helps healing of difficult-to-treat wounds;
  • restores cells after burns;
  • it is used for rinsing the nose, mouth, throat and ear canals.

The ionizers aQuator Viva and aQuator Silver prepare not only acidic and alkaline water, but also silver. A special silver electrode is used for this. Therefore, if you took an ionizer on a trip, then it can be useful to you both for the prevention of the disease and for its treatment. Silver ions purify water for a long time without disappearing. Therefore, such water is recommended for long trips.

Silver ions are more effective than chlorine in disinfecting and purifying water. They do not give a specific taste and smell, like chlorine, and do not have a bad effect on the mucous membrane. You can not stop treatment as soon as it becomes easier. Next, water should be used as a preventive measure, reducing the dose.

Dr. Ingfried Hobert

"I say you do not need expensive medicine with all the negative side effects to regain health. Alkaline water has profound long term effects because it alkalizes your body and provides an effective antioxidant."

