Tag: water ionizer

Silver Water to Improve Health with Aquator

Silver water for travelers

Illness on a journey is not the most pleasant event. However, no one is immune from this: neither a beginner nor an experienced traveler….Read more →

How to Strengthen Bones That Needs For Elasticity And Strength With Aquator

How to strengthen bones

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones lose their original strength and become more fragile. In Russia, every 5th man and every 3rd woman…Read more →

Health promotion and maintenance of office staff with Aquator
Mental activity

Useful for all office employees

Millions of Russians spend 8 hours in the office every day. Enclosed spaces, calls, reports, meetings with management increase stress levels. The employee works…Read more →

Support bone health with Aquator

Support bone health

The human bone system consists of 206 bones. Their role is not only to provide a solid support. The bone system accumulates minerals that…Read more →

Rejuvenating Water Effect with Aquator

Rejuvenating effect of water

The composition of the “Beauty” cartridge includes a vital trace element that works in every cell. This “wizard”: It is called the mineral of…Read more →

Losing weight

Healthy sleep for the thinner

In the matter of weight loss, everything is important: the right diet, moderate exercise, drinking regimen. About the importance of drinking the right water…Read more →

Pet Molt: Help ionized water aquator
Home comfort

Pets and molting

According to official data, about 65% of Russians have pets. Some families have several fuzzies. All of them require care, including combing the wool,…Read more →

What water recommended to use athletes: ordinary or ionized - Aquator

Water regime for athletes

The topic of proper nutrition has captured athletes for a long time. They keep count of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, give up gluten…Read more →

The most useful water for improving the memory of schoolchildren: ionization of water at home
Mental activity

Water for schoolchildren

Already starting from kindergarten, many people try to give their children the maximum load: clubs, additional classes and sports sections. At school, the child’s…Read more →

How to overcome anemia at home - Aquator

Anemia. How to overcome it?

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), approximately 2 billion people suffer from anemia in the world. A working person does not always immediately…Read more →

Normalize digestion with Aquator

We bring digestion back to normal

In recent years, statistics on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have increased significantly. Unfortunately, pathology is “getting younger”. According to some reports, 25% of…Read more →

Tourmaline: Antioxidant water properties - Aquator

Antioxidant properties of water

Antioxidants are molecules that fight oxidative processes in the human body caused by free radicals. Oxidation leads to the destruction of cells. Some of…Read more →

