Silver water for travelers
Illness on a journey is not the most pleasant event. However, no one is immune from this: neither a beginner nor an experienced traveler….Read more →
Illness on a journey is not the most pleasant event. However, no one is immune from this: neither a beginner nor an experienced traveler….Read more →
Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones lose their original strength and become more fragile. In Russia, every 5th man and every 3rd woman…Read more →
We have described how to use silver water for the prevention and treatment of diseases in previous articles. Now is the time to talk…Read more →
A person consists of 2/3 of water. It takes part in all vital processes: cleavage, oxidation, absorption, filtration and excretion. Dehydration (dehydration) quickly makes…Read more →
Multitasking mode is now enabled for every person. An office employee, businessman or housewife has a lot of questions every day that need to…Read more →
Millions of Russians spend 8 hours in the office every day. Enclosed spaces, calls, reports, meetings with management increase stress levels. The employee works…Read more →
The human bone system consists of 206 bones. Their role is not only to provide a solid support. The bone system accumulates minerals that…Read more →
Preparation for pregnancy is an important and necessary step in the life of every mother. First of all, it includes the replenishment of micronutrient…Read more →
The composition of the “Beauty” cartridge includes a vital trace element that works in every cell. This “wizard”: It is called the mineral of…Read more →
According to the survey, approximately 60% of Russians play sports with different frequency. Of these, 22% train several times a week, and 17% of…Read more →
Stress. Over the past few years, this word has become much more common in our vocabulary. The external circumstances in which we have to…Read more →
For hair care, whole lines of cosmetics of different price categories have been developed. But external care may not always be enough. Moreover, when…Read more →
Indeed, many people have been concerned about this issue in recent years. There were events that made it clear that under the same epidemiological…Read more →
In the matter of weight loss, everything is important: the right diet, moderate exercise, drinking regimen. About the importance of drinking the right water…Read more →
The modern world dictates new rules. Now it is fashionable to be a sporty, stylish person who cares about his health and appearance. The…Read more →
According to official data, about 65% of Russians have pets. Some families have several fuzzies. All of them require care, including combing the wool,…Read more →
The topic of proper nutrition has captured athletes for a long time. They keep count of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, give up gluten…Read more →
Already starting from kindergarten, many people try to give their children the maximum load: clubs, additional classes and sports sections. At school, the child’s…Read more →
The most common compound in the human body is water. It makes up 70% of the total body weight. Water takes part in all…Read more →
Cystitis is one of the most common diseases of the genitourinary system. This is an infectious and inflammatory process in the bladder wall. In…Read more →
Thrush, or candidiasis, is a common disease caused by the fungus Candida albicans. This fungus is naturally present in the body of most people,…Read more →
In recent years, statistics on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have increased significantly. Unfortunately, pathology is “getting younger”. According to some reports, 25% of…Read more →
Antioxidants are molecules that fight oxidative processes in the human body caused by free radicals. Oxidation leads to the destruction of cells. Some of…Read more →
This organ begins to beat 4 weeks after conception and shrinks more than 100 thousand times a day. A natural pump pumps more than…Read more →