The human bone system consists of 206 bones. Their role is not only to provide a solid support. The bone system accumulates minerals that are necessary for normal human life, and also participates in hematopoiesis. Therefore, strong bones are the key to health.
It is believed that the entire process of bone formation is completed by the age of 25. However, throughout life there is a cycle of remodeling, i.e. restructuring. It takes about 10 years. That’s why bone density changes. Until the age of 25, bones grow intensively and have a strong structure, and after 40-45, bone tissue loses its density. The process of bone thinning leads to osteoporosis. Pathology is often diagnosed in patients aged 50 +, however, the origins of the disease can begin at an earlier age, as early as 30-35 years.
The cause of osteoporosis is a violation of the acid-base balance. Eating acidic foods, such as baked goods, milk, coffee, canned food, semi-finished products, acidify the body. Minerals do not have time to be delivered to the bones. Instead, they are used to compensate for the increasing acidity. The body uses minerals that are in the bones. Accordingly, they become thinned and brittle.

Bone density depends, among other things, on the sufficient amount of calcium and magnesium in the body.
Calcium is one of the main trace elements that is responsible for bone strength and slowing bone loss. In the adult body, 99% of calcium is localized in the bones.
Magnesium is the most important trace element. It promotes better absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis and reduces the risk of bone fractures. Magnesium is not synthesized in the body, but comes from food and water.
It is important not just to provide the body with trace elements, but to contribute to their full assimilation. Only in the ionic state, trace elements are maximally absorbed by the body. Everything is simple here. Ionized water has a smaller molecular structure and penetrates cell membranes more easily. This means that the body quickly and efficiently receives the necessary trace elements.
You can enrich water with calcium and magnesium at home using the “Health” cartridge. The cartridge is compatible with a water ionizer with Aquator Vivo mineralization function. You need to insert the cartridge and select the “Mineralization” function on the display. When the water is ready, a sound signal will sound. Within a few minutes, you will receive water that combines the benefits of ionized minerals and the right pH level.
Mineralized water:
- saturate the body with minerals in the ionic state;
- neutralizes acidity;
- it will restore the acid-base balance.
Mineralized water is an affordable and effective way to prevent osteoporosis.