According to the survey, approximately 60% of Russians play sports with different frequency. Of these, 22% train several times a week, and 17% of respondents indicated that sports are present in their lives every day. Now more and more people have begun to pay attention to physical activity in order to maintain and strengthen their health. The trend is positive. And this can not but rejoice.
Of course, sports people always monitor their nutrition, water regime and general well-being. They know that observing the correct water regime gives an even greater positive sports result. Ionized water and trace elements have a positive effect on general well-being, endurance, and achievements. And if the body is deficient, then there will simply be no strength and energy for physical activity.
What microelements are necessary for those who do sports?
- Potassium
The trace element is needed for regular relaxation and muscle contraction. Since the bulk of potassium ions are in muscle cells, it is he who supports the function of nerves and muscles and is responsible for the stable functioning of reflexes. A constant normal concentration is also necessary to regulate the rhythm of the heart.
- Sodium
Sodium also plays a role in ensuring the work of muscles, supports their excitability. This is due to the fact that the trace element is involved in the transmission of electrochemical impulses along human muscle and nerve membranes. Sodium also relieves muscle spasms that can occur due to an imbalance of electrolytes.

- Calcium
The trace element is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, that is, for balanced processes in the brain, such as excitation and inhibition. It is also worth remembering that with a lack of calcium in the body, osteoporosis can develop. Bones will become brittle and then sports can be dangerous for health.
- Magnesium
It is not synthesized in the human body and can only come with food and water. Magnesium takes part in the prevention of osteoporosis – it affects the strengthening of bone tissue, promotes better absorption of calcium. It also promotes relaxation of muscle fibers (internal organs and muscles), processing of fats and carbohydrates.
- Zinc
It reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol, which can reduce immunity and even destroy muscle fibers. Zinc improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, helps to stabilize systolic pressure and increases physical endurance.
Especially for those who want sports to be for the good, the “Relax” cartridge has been developed. It contains all the trace elements mentioned above. After all, if the body receives the necessary trace elements in the right amount, then physical activity is easier, the processes of muscle recovery and metabolism work correctly.
Do sports with satisfaction and with benefits for the body!