This organ begins to beat 4 weeks after conception and shrinks more than 100 thousand times a day. A natural pump pumps more than 760 liters of blood per day. Of course, we are talking about the heart.
Bad habits, ecology, violation of the acid-base balance in the body, lack of trace elements – these are the factors that negatively affect the work of the organ. And if we cannot influence the environmental situation in a particular city or locality, then it is quite realistic to correct all other reasons.
Bad habits
They have been talked about many times and there is nothing to add here. The negative effect on the whole body and the cardiovascular system, in particular, is obvious.
Violation of the acid-base balance
Canned food, coffee, bakery products, semi-finished products, powdery cereals are present in the diet of almost every person. These products strongly acidify the body. Due to acidification, the blood becomes more viscous. It is more difficult to move through the arteries, which negatively affects the work of the heart, which becomes difficult to distill blood. As a result, there is an increase in blood pressure.
Lack of trace elements
The good work of the cardiovascular system and the maintenance of normal blood pressure contribute to such trace elements as:
- potassium, which helps to form muscle contractions, regulate heart rhythm and blood pressure;
- sodium controls blood pressure and maintains the necessary amount of muscle contractions;
- calcium supports heart health;
- magnesium normalizes blood pressure and prevents the occurrence of hypertension and angina;
- iron stimulates the function of hematopoietic organs and prevents anemia;
- zinc helps to clear blood vessels of cholesterol and triglycerides, helps to stabilize systolic pressure;
- selenium reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and provides additional protection of the heart and blood vessels.
Such a “cocktail” of trace elements is difficult to obtain naturally. It is difficult for a person to eat a large amount of greens, nuts, vegetables, fruits, fish and other products that are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. Moreover, unfortunately, not all the useful substances from these products can be absorbed.
It is much easier, more efficient and faster to follow the path of water mineralization. The device itself measures the pH level, after which it mineralizes the water. Such water has smaller molecules, and it penetrates more easily into cell membranes, which means that ionized minerals enter the body faster and more efficiently.
The water ionizer with the function of mineralization Aquator Vivo+ is compatible with four cartridges. To maintain the health of the cardiovascular system and normal pressure, you need to use the “Relax” cartridge. The cartridge contains all the minerals that the heart needs.
Support the health of the heart, because over 70 years of life it shrinks more than 2.5 billion times. Take care of your hardworking heart!