A beautiful smile and healthy teeth are not only aesthetics. Teeth take part in the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, help us to have the right diction.
Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue of our body. This is due to the fact that it is 95-97% composed of minerals. However, even such hard enamel can be subjected to daily micro-destruction.
Acidic food (meat products, soda, sweets, alcohol, coffee, packaged juices, baked goods, etc.) strongly oxidizes saliva, which causes the deposition of tartar and the destruction of enamel.
Deficiency of vitamins and minerals also negatively affects the health of teeth. Enamel destruction can occur if there is not enough fluoride in the water. He is responsible for strengthening teeth and preventing caries.
Calcium also plays an important role for the health of the dentition. Its lack in the body leads to the destruction of teeth, and subsequently, to loss.

Of course, if necessary, we all visit the dentist and get expensive treatment. But isn’t it better to prevent tooth decay than to treat it later?
Methods of prevention
To do this, you need to restore the acid-base balance and make up for the lack of trace elements. We recommend rinsing your mouth with alkaline water, as well as drinking it on a regular basis.
The use of ionized alkaline water will allow:
- to make up for the deficiency of trace elements, including calcium;
- restore the pH of saliva.
Water with a negative redox potential, which is the basis of ionized water, penetrates into tissues easier and faster, saturates the body with nutrients faster and more efficiently.
The surface tension of ionized water is lower than that of ordinary drinking water, so the drink is biologically available, enters into intermolecular interactions more easily, and is absorbed faster by the body. A rapid therapeutic and preventive effect is achieved.
Alkaline ionized water is available to each of us. It can be cooked at home. The ionizers aQuator Silver or aQuator Viva are safe and easy to use: fill the device with water and set the required pH level. In a few minutes, the alkaline ionized water will be ready.
Take care of oral health!