Over the past 2.5 years, more than 600 million cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded in the world, of which almost 20 million have been detected in our country. A distinctive feature of this infection is a rather long and difficult recovery period after the disease. Most often, the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory systems suffer, problems with the kidneys, intestines and other organs may begin.
Problems with the immune system for humans are one of the most dangerous, since it is responsible for protecting the entire body from various pathogens. In case of improper operation, the immune system may either cease to perform its functions (immunity decreases), or overreact violently to the body’s own cells and destroy them.
An increase in the acidity of the body can lead to a malfunction of the immune system. Acidification leads to:
- bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
- unbalanced nutrition (dairy products, soda, sugar, canned coffee, baked goods, etc.)
The use of insufficient water can aggravate the situation. Often we replace water with coffee or tea. These drinks do not contain the necessary trace elements and do not restore the acid-base balance.
Here it is important to say what kind of water is useful to drink. The most common water for consumption is bottled. But she went through the process of cleaning, bottling and at the same time came into contact with oxygen. This means that her pH level has dropped. Such water can no longer alkalize.
A high-quality alkaline water can be prepared by a water ionizer. To do this, pour the liquid into the tank and set the desired pH level. aQuator Silver and aQuator Viva will become indispensable assistants in your home. Ionized alkaline water is useful for both adults and children. It should be drunk in the morning before meals and during the day.

Ionized alkaline water:
- saturate the cells with oxygen;
- it will remove all decay products and toxins;
- it will reduce the acidity of the body;
- normalizes metabolic processes;
- compensates for the lack of trace elements;
- it will restore the functioning of the immune system;
- it will help to overcome viruses and bacteria;
- it will improve your well-being;
- saturate the body with energy;
- it will improve brain activity.
The quality of the water that a person drinks directly affects his well-being. And this is understandable. It takes part in all vital processes in the body: cleavage, absorption, oxidation, excretion, filtration. It is important to drink high-quality water to make it easier for the body to cope with all tasks. Strong immunity will help to resist all viruses and bacteria as much as possible.
What should I do if a person has already contracted coronavirus?
In this case, it is necessary to prevent blood clotting. Thick blood passes through the arteries and veins worse. Organs (including the heart and brain) receive less oxygen, which negatively affects a person’s well-being.
You can not wait for a feeling of thirst and only then drink water. After all, dehydration (dehydration) it already appears when the body lacks about 500 ml of water. Most people are chronically dehydrated. Not everyone follows the drinking regime. In case of illness, symptoms such as fever or intestinal malfunction require special attention to the body’s need for fluid. In such conditions, there is a loss of vital electrolytes – potassium, magnesium, and sodium salts. Insufficient fluid intake can lead to serious disorders in the work of organs and systems, aggravate the patient’s condition.
What is the use of alkaline ionized water?
- Reduces acidity and restores the acid-base balance.
- Saturates the blood with oxygen, it will become more liquid and will deliver it faster to all organs (including the heart and brain).
- Penetrates the cells faster and saturates them.
- Removes decay products and toxins from the body.
- It helps to overcome the virus and restore the body after the disease.
To prevent the disease and for faster rehabilitation, it is recommended to drink ionized alkaline water with a pH of 8.4-8.8. The devices (link) aQuator Silver and (link) aQuator Viva prepare water with a given pH level.
Do not neglect such a simple, but so important advice – drink the right water!
On the basis of ionized alkaline water, the devices also prepare silver water. It is known that silver has an antimicrobial, antiseptic effect. For respiratory diseases with a solution of silver water, we recommend:
- to make inhalations of 12mg / 1 l
- rinse mouth and rinse nose 20mg/1 l
To prepare such water, it is necessary to screw a silver electrode into the ionizer. Instructions with a detailed description of how to do this are attached to each device.