Every housewife tries to put things in order at home so that it looks warm and cozy. She spends a lot of time and effort on this. It’s good that modern gadgets can make work much easier. We are talking, among other things, about an air ionizer. After all, clean air at home is no less important than clean dishes or clean curtains.
Air quality in modern cities, unfortunately, is deteriorating every year. Industrial waste, allergens, dust, exhaust gases pollute the atmosphere every day. This air enters the apartment during ventilation. Every day a person takes about 20,000 breaths. It is clear that health depends on the quality of the air you breathe.
First of all they suffer:
- the cardiovascular system;
- endocrine system;
- lungs;
- the immune system.
Allergens and fine particles that enter the body can cause:
- decreased concentration;
- headache;
- nervous tension;
- autoimmune diseases;
- panic attacks;
- insomnia;
- memory impairment;
- impaired blood supply to the brain;
- allergies, etc.
Therefore, clean indoor air is not only a feeling of home comfort, but, first of all, concern for your health and the health of loved ones.

The air ionizer can be installed in any room. Its task is to enrich the air with charged ions and increase the volume of clean air. Approximately 1.5 liters of air passes through the air ionizer every second. “Charged” oxygen particles are more easily absorbed by the body. According to research, the absorption of oxygen in the lungs increases by 15-20% if a person breathes ionized air.
Operating principle of the ionizer
The operating principle of an air ionizer is based on needle or wire electrodes. Under the influence of electric current, a high voltage field is formed between them. Electrodes produce electrons. When they collide with air molecules, they knock out free electrons and form ions with a negative charge. Charged particles have a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and promote the production of biologically active substances. They saturate the body with energy, increase its protective functions, stimulate mental activity and physical activity.
The operating principle of the XJ-3500, XJ-2100 or Inventus 210 air ionizers is as follows:
neutral oxygen molecules are attached to free electrons with a negative charge;
As a result of the addition of an additional electron, a new particle is formed – an aeroion or an oxygen ion with a negative charge.
Due to this process, the air is enriched and its biological activity increases.
The task of the ionizer is to create a flow of particles with a negative charge between electrons of different polarities under the influence of external stimuli.
The effectiveness of ionized air is due to the fact that, when filled with air ions, it stimulates red blood cells, and they begin to work more actively. Gas exchange in the lungs increases by 10%.
Ionized air promotes such positive changes as
- reducing dust concentration in the air;
- reducing the risk of allergens entering the body;
- improving the quality of sleep (rest becomes complete);
- increasing the level of vital energy;
- improving brain activity;
- reducing anxiety;
- stabilization of psycho-emotional state;
- reducing the negative impact of radiation from household electrical appliances.
Take care of your health and comfort in your home!