We all know that external beauty is inseparable from health. When a girl has a strong immune system, good metabolic processes, an abundance of trace elements, then she looks great. Healthy hair, skin, nails are a litmus test.
Water takes part in the functioning of organs and systems and has a great influence on the beauty of a woman. Drinking the required amount of water has a positive effect on:
- The beauty of the skin. The liquid washes out harmful substances from the body, which can become one of the causes of the development of dermatological problems: wrinkles, rashes, dryness.
- The beauty of the hair. Lack of water has a negative effect on the condition of the hair. They can become dull, lifeless, dry. With enough moisture, the hair looks shiny and healthy.
Not every water contains a sufficient amount of macro- and microelements useful for hair and skin, that is, it is physiologically complete. Tap water is treated with antibacterial agents and contains chlorine.
Bottled water also goes through the stages of numerous cleaning and, unfortunately, no longer benefits the body. The fact is that, killing harmful microorganisms, chlorine does not spare useful ones either. As a result, the microbiome of our skin suffers, its local immunity decreases, dryness and irritation appear. Chlorine is also not good for hair, especially if they are colored. When you wash your hair with chlorinated water, the pigment is washed out very quickly.
Only pure water penetrates into the cell membranes and saturates them with moisture. However, not only the amount of water is important, but also its quality. The most useful water for the body is ionized water at room temperature.
Advantages of ionized water
- blood flow improvements;
- skin cleansing;
- removal of excess sebum;
- demakiyazh and removal of dead cells of the epidermis.
It is also the most suitable for drinking and provides the necessary pH level.
The advantage of ionized alkaline water (pH 8.5–9.5 and with an ORP of 150-500 mV):
- does not contain harmful components;
- saturates with energy;
- strengthens the immune system;
- helps to overcome viruses;
- normalizes all metabolic processes;
- compensates for the lack of minerals;
- it has antioxidant properties;
- supports the desired pH from 7.35 to 7.45 of the body;
- penetrates well into the cell membranes inside and effectively saturates them with oxygen;
- promotes the excretion of decay products.
As we can see, ionized alkaline water can and should be drunk for the purpose of prevention and health support. The daily use of ionized water activated by the current will certainly have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
The Aquator Vivo and Aquator Silver+ ionizers are made of environmentally friendly materials and do not contain harmful components. The water cooked in them will become the source of your youth and beauty.