Every day there are many events in the life of every person, and they are not always positive. Meetings, traffic jams, children’s lessons, mortgages, political and economic conditions in the world increase the level of stress, anxiety and irritation. These conditions can accumulate like a snowball. And not always then a person is able to cope with them independently. In many cases, you may need the help of a specialist.
To avoid such a high level of anxiety and stress, it is necessary to take care of your health every day. Not everyone knows that microelements affect the work of the nervous system. Magnesium and calcium take on one of the key roles of a stable psychoemotional state.
Magnesium is one of the most important trace elements that is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system. It takes part in the electrical and energy exchange of cells of the nervous system, helps to cope with stress:
- improves stress resistance. The endocrine glands that produce stress hormones are very sensitive to the trace element. If there is not enough magnesium, then they are produced in greater quantities. If there is enough magnesium, then stress hormones are produced less;
- regulates the nervous system. Magnesium takes part in the synthesis of endorphins – hormones of happiness. Therefore, anxiety and nervous tension decrease naturally;
- helps the brain recover faster. It stimulates the brain’s ability to restore lost neural connections after a stressful situation.
With a deficiency of a trace element , a person may experience the following conditions:
- rapid fatigue;
- sleep disturbance;
- digestive disorder;
- vascular and heart problems;
- migraines and tinnitus;
- nervous overexcitation;
- panic attacks.

The above symptoms are often experienced by a person who is in a state of stress and increased anxiety on a daily basis. In such conditions, there is a powerful release of stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline). Metabolism accelerates, and magnesium and calcium begin to be intensively released into the blood. Let’s consider what role calcium plays in this process.
Calcium is one of the vital trace elements for the normal course of all biochemical processes in the human body. The leaching (reduction) of calcium is facilitated by such factors that are present in the lives of many people:
- Smoking and alcohol destroy calcium molecules and remove it from the body;
- Diets. Calcium in the right amount does not enter the body;
- Coffee increases the acidity. To reduce it, the body sends calcium from the bones into the blood;
- Lack of sunlight leads to a decrease in vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium;
- Sugar and fast carbohydrates slow down the absorption of calcium in the intestine.
In order to bring the psycho-emotional state back to normal, reduce the level of anxiety and stress, it is necessary to make up for the lack of these trace elements. Calcium and magnesium enter our body with food and water. And here it is important to understand that they are absorbed faster in ionized water, because it has a smaller molecular structure. And when you have the Aquator Vivo+ ionizer, it can be done in a few minutes. Accordingly, the trace elements that were dissolved in this water will be replenished in the body just as effectively and quickly.
Daily use of mineralized water:
- it will maintain the necessary level of calcium and magnesium;
- reduce anxiety;
- it will regulate the work of the nervous system;
- improve stress tolerance;
- it will relieve nervous tension.
For those who want to maintain their psychoemotional state, it is necessary to additionally use the “Wellness” cartridge. You don’t need to buy a hotel appliance for it. It is compatible with an ionizer with Aquator Vivo+ mineralization functions.
Stable psycho-emotional state has a positive effect on work processes and personal relationships.