Anemia. How to overcome it?

How to overcome anemia at home - Aquator

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), approximately 2 billion people suffer from anemia in the world. A working person does not always immediately pay attention to the signs of the disease and may attribute them to chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. At the beginning of the disease, the symptoms are not pronounced, so people may not take any measures for several months and hope that “it will somehow pass”.

Signs of iron deficiency anemia can be:

  • general weakness of the body and fatigue;
  • decreased performance and drowsiness;
  • unstable psychoemotional state;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • ringing in the ears and “flies” in front of the eyes;
  • heart pain and shortness of breath;
  • bouts of loss of consciousness;
  • deterioration of appearance (brittle hair, bruises under the eyes);
  • severe dryness of the skin (up to micro-injuries);
  • the emergence of addictions to unusual tastes and smells.

All these signs significantly reduce the quality of life. It becomes difficult for a person to work and interact with others, and sudden bouts of loss of consciousness at all pose a serious danger to life.

Anemia (hypohemia) is a violation of the structure of blood cells. In this condition, the concentration of hemoglobin and erythrocytes is reduced. Poor iron digestibility can lead to the development of pathology.

We remember that ionized water is responsible for the fast delivery and effective assimilation of trace elements. It consists of smaller molecular structures, which means that it penetrates better into cells. The trace elements and minerals dissolved in it are easily absorbed by the body. It is simply a sin not to use such a property of water.

A device that many people already have at home can enrich water with ionized minerals and trace elements – this is a water ionizer with the function of mineralization Aquator Vivo+. To saturate the water with iron, you need to use the “Relax” cartridge. The cartridge is enough for 90 full-fledged application cycles. You need to insert it into the device, select the “Mineralization” function on the menu bar. Then click “Start”. It’s very simple. Absolutely anyone can handle the device.

And if you have any additional questions, you can always contact a consultant in the store or call our company’s hotline.

Be healthy!

Prevention of dehydration in children: ionized water - Aquator

Alexis Carrel. Professor, Doctor of Medicine, Surgeon, Nobel Prize in Medicine, 1912.

«If I use the term «water treatment», I mean that dehydration (dehydration) can be cured only with water»

