Breastfeeding: benefits and principles

Breastfeeding Use and Principles with Aquator

It is known that breastfeeding is an ideal food for a newborn baby. It lays the foundation for the health and development of the child, provides energy and nutrients.

Do not forget that the mother’s body also needs timely replenishment of trace elements and regulation of acid-base balance. It is simply necessary for the health of the woman and the child. After all, as you know, more than 500 useful substances are transferred to the baby with the mother’s milk. Hence such a close relationship between the health of the mother and the health of the newborn.

The composition of breast milk is quite complex. Drinks and food consumed by a woman during breastfeeding largely determines the smell, taste and quality of breast milk. Therefore, it is important to monitor the acid-base balance of the body, the replenishment of vitamins and trace elements.

The importance of the pH level

At a normal pH level, the body works correctly. But if the alkaline medium is not enough, then the acidity increases. This can cause various diseases, including infectious ones. It can lead to a decrease in immunity, slow down metabolic processes. Accordingly, there is a high probability of deterioration in the well-being of not only the nursing mother, but also the baby.

When choosing water for yourself and for your child, remember: “Water is life.” You need to take a responsible approach to everything that you choose for yourself and for your child, but you should pay special attention to the choice of water. There can be no question of any compromises, because the chosen drinking water is a contribution to the future life, it is the foundation of health, and how strong it will be depends on the parents.

Every woman wants her child to be the healthiest. Therefore, caring moms have been using ionized alkaline water for a long time. Simple alkaline water differs only in an increased pH level of more than 7. And the water obtained with the help of an ionizer contains charged ions and microclusters that actively interact with the cells of the body and have a positive effect on health. Its structure is identical to the fluid of the human body, and therefore it is easily absorbed at the molecular level.

The advantage of ionized water:

  • does not contain harmful components; 
  • saturates with energy; 
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to overcome viruses;
  • normalizes all metabolic processes;
  • restores reproductive function;
  • compensates for the lack of minerals;
  • it has antioxidant properties;
  • supports the desired pH from 7.35 to 7.45 of the body. 

All this has a positive effect on the well-being of mom and baby. A healthy mom is a healthy baby.

Ionized alkaline hearth can be obtained within a few minutes. To do this, pour Aquator Vivo or Aquator Silver + water into the ionizer tank, set the pH value. The use of this equipment is completely safe, since the ionizers are made of environmentally friendly materials and do not contain harmful components.

Take care of the health of your whole family!

Breastfeeding with Aquator

Doctor of Medical Sciences Theodore A. Baroodi, a doctor and nutrition consultant.

"Four to six glasses of alkaline water a day is enough to balance overoxidation and restore the buffering properties of the body."

