Air and water are the two most important components of life on Earth. A person takes more than 20,000 breaths daily and drinks an average of about 2 liters of water. The current well-being of a person and health in the future depends on the quality of water and air.
According to WHO (World Health Organization), about 90% of the world’s population lives in ecologically disadvantaged areas. Polluted air negatively affects human health. The cardiovascular, nervous, reproductive, and endocrine systems suffer, and the risk of autoimmune diseases and lung diseases increases.
The negative effect is also on the brain. Fine particles and allergens contained in urban air can cause:
• headache;
• reduced concentration;
• nervous tension;
• memory degradation;
• panic attacks;
• impaired blood supply to the brain;
• dementia.
The first thing that comes to mind when we think of clean air is the sea, mountains or forest. Unfortunately, many of us do not live in such a climatic zone. Residents of the city can protect their health by installing an air ionizer at home.
An air ionizer is a device that enriches the air with charged ions. The main purpose of the device is to increase the volume of clean air.

Principles of operation of the ionizer.
The principle of operation of a typical air ionizer is needle or wire electrodes. A high voltage field is formed between them under the influence of an electric current. The electrodes produce electrons, which, when they collide with air molecules, knock out free electrons from them, forming ions with a negative charge. Charged gas particles have a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, contributing to the production of biologically active substances. They also saturate the body with energy, increase its protective functions, normalize the work of many systems and organs, stimulate mental and physical activity.
Which air ionizer to choose for an apartment?
In an enclosed space, the percentage of aeroions is negligible: 18 times lower than necessary for a comfortable stay in it. Modern rooms, as a rule, are characterized by a deficit of negative ions and an excess of positive ones. This situation is explained by the widespread use of various electrical appliances: computers, televisions, mobile phones, refrigerators, irons, etc. They saturate the air with particles with a positive charge. There is a “preponderance” towards ions with a positive charge (cations).
When a person experiences a lack of aeroions, hormones such as histamine and serotonin begin to be produced excessively in the body. An immoderate amount of them provokes oxygen starvation of cells due to disruption of lung function. This can result in headaches, increased fatigue, attacks of suffocation, depression and anxiety. Only negative air ions are useful for the body. For rooms where various equipment is regularly used, a unipolar ionizer is best suited, because positive ions are already present in large quantities in the air.
The principle of operation of the air ionizers (link) XJ-3500, (link) XJ-2100 or (link) Inventus 2100 is as follows:
• neutral oxygen molecules are attached to free electrons with a negative charge.
• as a result of the addition of an additional electron, a new particle is formed — an aeroion or an oxygen ion with a negative charge.
Due to this process, the air is enriched, its biological activity increases. The task of the ionizer is to create a flow of particles with a negative charge between electrons of different polarities under the influence of external stimuli.
The effectiveness of ionized air is due to the fact that, being filled with aeroions, it stimulates red blood cells, and they begin to work more actively. Gas exchange in the lungs increases by 10%.
There are such positive processes:
• the quality of sleep improves, which means that the rest becomes complete;
• performance indicators are increasing;
• immunity is growing, well-being is improving;
• the psychological state is returning to normal. This is valuable in the treatment of neuroses and depressions.
• the metabolic rate increases, and this eases the symptoms of diseases, reduces the duration of their course;
• appearance changes for the better;
• the negative impact of radiation, the source of which is household electrical appliances, is reduced.
In addition to all of the above, many observe that ions have a beneficial effect on skin receptors, while reducing pain sensitivity.
We consume a lot of fluids every day. However, tea, juice, coffee, bottled water are not suitable for replenishing the water balance. The cells are not saturated with oxygen. This can lead to a decrease in concentration and malaise.
It is necessary that the body receives a certain amount of macro and microelements every day, since it cannot synthesize them itself. Many human diseases are closely related to the insufficient intake or content of certain macro and microelements in the body.
For the formation and maintenance of a good memory and brain function are necessary:
• Omega – 3 fatty acids. Improves neural connections and is a nutrition for brain cells.
• Iodine. It affects the work of the hemispheres of the brain.
• Zinc. Controls the synthesis of proteins that are responsible for memory and intelligence.
• Vitamin B 6. Improves long-term memory.
• Vitamin C. Has a positive effect on cerebral circulation.
• Vitamin E. Increases reaction speed and intelligence.
You also need calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium. They are necessary to neutralize the acidic environment in the body and maintain the acid-base balance. Ionized alkaline water is rich in ions of these trace elements.
Alkaline water:
• improves brain activity;
• saturates cells with oxygen;
• reduces acidity;
• improves well-being;
• restores the pH level of the brain;
• compensates for the lack of trace elements;
• removes decay products.
Water has a positive effect on well-being, appearance, brain activity. This significantly improves the quality of life and performance. You can prepare ionized water both at home and in the office. aQuator Vivo and aQuator Silver + ionizers do not take up much space, they have a user-friendly interface. It takes a few minutes to get three liters of ionized water. Fill the device with water, set the desired pH level. Everything is easy and convenient!
Take care of your health: breathe clean air and drink the right water!