The rhythm of modern man’s life is inextricably linked with stress. Last-minute deadlines at work, traffic jams, unscheduled lessons of children and much more only add a degree of emotional tension. It is not surprising that those who are going to bring their weight back to normal experience a double emotional load. During this period of life, it is especially important to monitor your well-being.
It has been proven that stress is the cause of disruption of the immune system. The protective potential of the body may decrease, which will lead to a decrease in immunity. An excessive reaction of the body to its own cells is also possible. This will provoke a malfunction of the immune system and the development of autoimmune diseases.
Diets involve a significant reduction in calories. Nutritional deficiencies, a decrease in the amount of minerals and vitamins increase a person’s susceptibility to infectious diseases. Therefore, a losing weight person may get sick more often.
We have already said more than once that water plays a very important role in the process of weight loss. It takes part in all vital processes in the body. Water does not allow an increase in blood viscosity. After all, if this happens, the blood will move more slowly through the arteries, the load on the heart will increase, oxygen starvation in the organs will occur. This will negatively affect the work of the immune system.

The most important thing a person can do is to restore the acid–base balance in the body. An alkaline environment is necessary for the proper functioning of all organs and systems. Unfortunately, even low-calorie food consumed by a person on a diet can oxidize. Now we are talking about some cereals, tea, coffee, dairy products, etc., which are acceptable in many diets. In this case, it is difficult for the body to maintain an alkaline environment. Gradually it becomes acidified. This can lead to a decrease in immunity, a deterioration in the quality of life and the development of diseases (including infectious).
How can you support immunity in the process of weight correction?
It is necessary to neutralize the acid with an alkali and restore the balance. In an alkaline environment, infections and bacteria lose their viability. And this, of course, will have a positive effect on the work of the immune system and the whole body as a whole.
Only ionized alkaline water has the right pH level, which can react with acid. It is very important to drink such water freshly prepared so that it does not lose its properties and retains the desired pH level (8,4-8,8). That is why alkaline water must be prepared by yourself. Modern water ionizers aQuator Silver and aQuator Viva will prepare you water in the right amount with the right pH.
Alkaline ionized water:
- normalizes all metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism, breaks down fat;
- it makes up for the lack of trace elements that are necessary to neutralize the acidic environment;
- regulates digestion, reduces appetite;
- promotes the elimination of decomposition products and toxins from the body;
- increases the body’s resistance to viruses and bacteria.
Thus, alkaline ionized water will not only contribute to the fight against excess kilograms, but at the same time increase immunity. It is important that you do not need to drink 2 times more water. Observe your usual drinking regime (approximately 30 ml per 1 kg of weight).
We wish you good health and achievement of your goals!