In the matter of weight loss, everything is important: the right diet, moderate exercise, drinking regimen. About the importance of drinking the right water we wrote in the previous article of this section. But it is necessary to mention another component of the process of comfortable weight loss – healthy sleep.
Why is sleep so important?
- During sleep, normal levels of the stress hormone cortisol are maintained. Cortisol is known to recycle carbohydrates. If a person does not sleep well, this leads to tension and an unstable psycho-emotional state. This imbalance contributes to fat accumulation, protein destruction and muscle breakdown.
- The second important hormone that affects weight loss is leptin. It is produced during rest and signals that the body does not need food at the moment. Therefore, with a full rest man eats less.
- With lack of sleep increases the grelin level, which is responsible for the desire to eat something. Therefore, in the absence of quality sleep increases appetite.
- Melatonin, which regulates sleep, body recovery and metabolism. In sleep disorders, a person is under stress, so extra pounds can leave with great difficulty.
- If there is physical activity during sleep, the muscles recover. If the sleep is intermittent or the person has often insufficient sleep, the muscle tissue does not have enough time to recover. Therefore, workouts can be more difficult and less effective. And it will also slow down the weight loss process.
If a man does not sleep, then he has no energy and no desire to spend time with the good. The only thing he’s gonna think about is to make the day go faster so he can get to bed.
Cool, clean air in the bedroom, which does not contain allergens and micro-dust particles, promotes proper rest and recovery. The work of modern air ionizers is aimed precisely at enriching the air with charged ions and increasing the volume of clean air. Approximately 1.5 liters of air passes through the ionizer every second. “Charged” oxygen particles are more easily absorbed by the body. According to research, the absorption of oxygen in the lungs increases by 15-20% if a person breathes ionized air.
The operating principle of the XJ-3500, XJ-2100 or Inventus 210 air ionizers is as follows:
neutral oxygen molecules are attached to free electrons with a negative charge;
As a result of the addition of an additional electron, a new particle is formed – an aeroion or an oxygen ion with a negative charge.
Due to this process, the air is enriched and its biological activity increases. The effectiveness of ionized air is due to the fact that, when filled with air ions, it stimulates red blood cells, and they begin to work more actively. Gas exchange in the lungs increases by 10%.
Ionized air promotes such positive changes as:
- reducing the concentration of dust in the air;
- reducing the risk of allergens entering the body;
- improving the quality of sleep (rest becomes complete);
- increasing the level of vital energy;
- reduction of anxiety;
- stabilization of the psycho-emotional state.
Adequate rest has a positive effect on your mood. The body is restored overnight, hormonal levels are normal, the person is ready for a new day and new achievements on the way to achieving the volume of his dreams.