Prevention of influenza and ARVI in children

Prevention of SARS in children with Aquator

In the autumn-winter period, each parent is faced with ARVI, in which the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is affected. The peak incidence occurs in February-March. Sleepless nights, fever, cough – this, unfortunately, is a well-known scenario

Caring parents take all measures to prevent ARVI in their children. Such events include:

  • Gymnastics and sports;
  • Balanced nutrition;
  • Regular walks in the fresh air;
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • Compliance with the drinking regime.

Let’s take a closer look at the last point.

It is a well-known fact that a person consists of 2/3 of water. At a normal pH level, the body works correctly. If the alkaline medium is not enough, then the acidity increases. This can cause various diseases, including infectious ones. Unfortunately, the habits of modern nutrition and the quality of food products, as well as the quality of even bottled water, do not guarantee the necessary level of providing the body with alkaline elements. Complicating the situation is the fact that modern carbonated drinks (which children love so much) are saturated with various sweeteners, therefore they are very acidic.

The mineralization of drinking water, which is normalized at a level of no more than 1000 mg/dm3, also has a great importance on the health of the body. The value of drinking water is determined by micro and macroelements, about 50 substances in total.

The systematic use of drinking water, the mineral composition of which differs from the optimal one, increases the predisposition to various diseases.

Back in 1931, it was proved that bacteria, viruses and pathogenic organisms multiply superbly with acidification of the blood, i.e. at a pH of less than 7.3 units.

For the proper functioning of the organs, it is important to observe the acid-base balance, which means drinking the right and healthy water.

What kind of useful water is it? Water with the right pH level.

As you know, we live in the era of science and technology, where innovations and new inventions appear. Currently, there is not a single task that gadgets cannot perform. They have firmly taken a place next to us so much that we can’t imagine a day without them. Starting in the early morning and until we get to bed, we use gadgets in different ways.

They can also ionize water. Everything has been thought out for you for a long time. The ionizer can prepare water with a given pH level from 2.4 (acidic index) to 11.0 (highly alkaline index).

Advantages of ionized water:

  • does not contain harmful components; 
  • has a beneficial effect on the well-being of children; 
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to fight viruses. 

It is also useful to use silver water to strengthen the immune system. Back in the 19th century, scientists discovered the disinfection properties of this metal. Biologist Karl Negeli proved that silver exhibits its bactericidal effects only in ionized (dissolved) form.

An important exceptional property of silver is that it acts not only on bacteria, but also on viruses. It destroys microorganisms that cause more than 650 diseases.

You can get ionized and silver water with the help of safe and easy-to-use Aquator Vivo or Aquator Silver+ water ionizers. They will become your daily helpers. And you will feel calm for the whole family and will enjoy communicating with your loved ones.

Prevention of influenza and SARS in children through water ionization - Aquator

Biochemist, doctor, physiologist. Nobel Prize winner in 1931 Otto Warburg.

"No disease can exist in an alkaline environment."

