The use of ionized water is useful to all those who seek to take care of their own health. Daily drinking of ionized water obtained with aQuator Vivo naturally helps the body recover from stress and cope with the effects of stress, improving well-being and giving the body strength, normalizing blood pressure and digestion. Ionized drinking water is suitable for everyone – young people, middle-aged people, families with children, pregnant women, adherents of a healthy lifestyle, athletes and the elderly.

1. Promotes the recovery of the body
2. Improves well-being and gives strength
3. Slows down the aging process
4. Normalizes blood pressure
5. Helps with stomach and duodenal ulcer problems
6. Regulates the level of calcium in the blood
7. Removes toxins from the body
8. Normalizes digestion (heartburn, gastritis, constipation)

aQuator Vivo can be purchased in our online store or branded store

Go to the store

aQuator is very easy to use: just fill it with water, set the desired pH level, and in a few minutes you will receive 3 liters of ionized water. Read the aQuator Vivo User Manual

Go to the instructions

The kit includes: aQuator Vivo water ionizer (device, main and internal vessels), a holder for a membrane filter with one filter, 2 additional membrane filters, a cathode cleaner, a special cathode cleaning cloth, a silver electrode, a special cloth for cleaning the silver electrode.

Keep the device out of the reach of children and do not leave it unattended! What not to do with aQuator Vivo: Not recommended:

1. open the lid or remove the main container if the device is plugged into an outlet;
2. place the device near an open flame or sparking equipment;
3. disassemble the device;
4. rinse the lid with water;
5. wash the appliance or its parts in the dishwasher;
6. use the device if it has cracks or other mechanical damage;
7. use the device if the dark electrode (anode) is mechanically damaged;
8. use membrane partitions from other manufacturers.

The warranty for aQuator Vivo is 2 years from the date of purchase. The Russian retailer Akvator is responsible for the guarantee

Warranty period: 24 months from the date of sale, provided that the users of the device adhere to the terms of the user manual.

If your device needs repair during the warranty period, take it to the store where you bought it or to the manufacturer.

The warranty does not apply if the device was mechanically damaged, the user tried to disassemble or repair it, or used the device in a way that does not comply with the conditions set out in the user manual.

Repairs outside the warranty conditions are carried out at the expense of the client.

The warranty on the LCD display is valid only if three or more pixels are inactive.

Recommendation for use (formulation)

Go to the instructions

