Category: Recommendations

Support bone health with Aquator

Support bone health

The human bone system consists of 206 bones. Their role is not only to provide a solid support. The bone system accumulates minerals that…Read more →

Rejuvenating Water Effect with Aquator

Rejuvenating effect of water

The composition of the “Beauty” cartridge includes a vital trace element that works in every cell. This “wizard”: It is called the mineral of…Read more →

How to overcome anemia at home - Aquator

Anemia. How to overcome it?

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), approximately 2 billion people suffer from anemia in the world. A working person does not always immediately…Read more →

Normalize digestion with Aquator

We bring digestion back to normal

In recent years, statistics on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have increased significantly. Unfortunately, pathology is “getting younger”. According to some reports, 25% of…Read more →

Tourmaline: Antioxidant water properties - Aquator

Antioxidant properties of water

Antioxidants are molecules that fight oxidative processes in the human body caused by free radicals. Oxidation leads to the destruction of cells. Some of…Read more →

Antistress at home with Aquator

Antistress at home

Every day there are many events in the life of every person, and they are not always positive. Meetings, traffic jams, children’s lessons, mortgages,…Read more →


Prevention of prostatitis

50% of men have experienced symptoms of prostatitis at least once in their lives. Moreover, at the age of 40+, the pathology is diagnosed…Read more →

